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Thursday, March 8, 2012

This is how Women need to train!

"I just want to tone up a little."
"Well I don't want to look like you!"
"But if I lift weights I'm going to get big and bulky!"

If I hear this from one more girl who comes looking for advice to change her body Im going to slam my head into the wall like that idiot from the Jersey Shore.
Ok don't watch that video for the full ten minutes or you may end up stupider then they are.

Lets get to the real meat and potatoes here
The above video is how every girl in the world needs to learn how to train.  Take a look at her and let me know if you think she's too bulky or afraid that shes gonna get too big.  That girl comes to the gym with the pure intention of lifting weight, training hard, and sweating her ass off.  I'm pretty sure she lifts more weight then just about every girl reading this and probably half the guys (I'm not gonna mention any names).  Here's the really crazy apart about this whole lifting thing.  One of the most important things in building muscle is testosterone and guess what ladies, you don't have enough of it to ever build bodybuilder size muscles.  Hell I've been training 16 years balls to the wall every single week and I still have a hard time putting on muscle.  Unless you have more testosterone then I do there is no need to worry.  Every single woman you have ever seen that is really big and bulky and seems to have a lot too much muscle is on male drugs.  Yes they are actually crazy enough to inject themselves with male hormones, you'd be absolutely shocked if you knew how many girls do this.  So if you see the manly girl with the weird face, messed up skin and huge muscles working out with the big weights at your gym, shes on male hormones I don't care what she lies to you about.

On the opposite end of the spectrum we have the classic gym "cardio bunny", who comes to the gym in more makeup then Kim Kardashian and her ultra sleek cool $150 gym attire.  She hops on the treadmill and walks at a moderate pace just enough so that she wont sweat and ruin her perfect makeup that took an hour to apply.  Sorry but strong is the new sexy and you can keep your cardio bunny prima donna that's not what we are here for.  Those girls would crumble like a sack of crap under the squat rack and god forbid they break a nail.  The good news is even the prissy cardio bunnies can change if they really want to.

It is essential for women to start training hard, lifting weights and becoming truly fit.  The above video highlights some of the best movements a woman can do for lower body:
 Squat, Deadlift ( all variations), Lunge, Bulgarian Squats, Hip thrusters... these will all seriously develop the areas that women worry about most while also engaging their core stabilizers.

Stop being afraid of lifting weights, the benefits of doing so are almost endless.  Don't be afraid to workout your upper body with weights.  You may eventually put on some muscle and that's great! It will ignite your metabolism burn more calories and allow you to eat more while still remaining lean and fitting into that dress you love.
So get to it and start lifting weights!  Do not be intimidated by the iron, it is your friend and it will help you achieve the look you want.

Id also like to say the guy Bret Contreras whose videos I borrowed does some great work with his clients and backs his stuff up with credible science

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