Truth is just about every nutrition company does not want you to know how easy and cheap it is because they can make a killing selling stuff that does not work. They photoshop Kim Kardashians fat ass so much that it almost looks like she lost weight on their B.S. product
Proven no fail method that every athlete/bodybuilder has used for decades
Ephedrine 25 mg
Caffiene 200 mg
Yohimbe 5 mg (optional)
This should immediately slow your desire to eat
That's it plain and simple right!?!?!
Whats that you said?, I already hear the US portion of my audience telling me that the FDA took ephedrine off the shelves because a bunch of dumb teenagers took way too much and dropped dead on the football field. Every other country in the world you can just buy it in pill form, good old FDA protecting us from ourselves.
Well you are right, but actually they still sell it at every single pharmacy in the entire country.
OH LOOK HERE IT IS and conveniently in the right dosage of ephedrine
So you can walk into your local CVS and pick the bronkaid off the shelf, but you will have to ask the pharmacist because he keeps it behind the counter. They keep it there not because its dangerous to be used in this manner but because you can also make methamphetamine with it, I'm not giving out the ingredients to make that. As long as you don't look like a strung out crackhead they are going to sell it to you, tip, its for asthma, tell them you have asthma.
Caffeine is readily available in pill form in any pharmacy 7 eleven local convenience shop, walmart etc. etc.
Yohimbe is optional and many people run the stack without it, this can be bought at the pharmacy vitamin section of GNC Vitamin Shoppe or any store like that.
Price of all ingredients varies but should be extremely cheap in the $10 range
How do I take it?
Preferably 30 min before a scheduled meal and or workout at the above prescribed dosages. So to make this clear, you will start
Day 1 take 1 time
Ephedrine 25mg
Caffeine 200mg
Yohimbe 5 mg
Day 2 if no ill affects were felt start taking it twice daily and continue until day 7
Week 2
Up the dosage to 3x a day if you feel you can handle it.
Some people will choose to take it up to 4x daily if they have a high tolerance for stimulants
DO NOT EVER EXCEED 100MG of Ephedrine in 24
DO NOT surpass 0.2mg/kg of body weight of Yohimbe (20mg per 220lb person)
Watch for any side effects heart palpitations, increased body temperature, increased blood pressure etc.
I don't suggest going longer then 6-8 weeks before taking a break as your body will adjust to the stimulants and they will become less effective. You will probably have already reached your goal at this point if you are eating right and exercising. THIS IS AS CLOSE TO NO FAIL AS IT GETS before you know it you will be ripped and ready for the beach
Disclaimer-- Follow directions start slow and assess your tolerance do not over do it easy does it